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About Graeme




My Ethos




Contact Graeme


My Ethos


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The world of IT is changing and the needs of customers are changing also. Gone are the days where employee’s go to work and have access to better and more up-to-date technology in the office.


In a world where Facebook, Twitter and mobile apps are changing the way we interact in our personal lives; the world of business and government is changing also and now demanding innovative solutions from new and exciting technology providers to help them deliver better services in a 24/7 world, meeting the needs and demands of their customers and citizens on a global scale.

Spotting a gap in the market, I saw opportunity to offer professional sales and consultancy as a service:

1) Supporting small English-based IT & Software companies gain an understanding, introduction into the Scottish market, in specific the Scottish public sector including: the 32 Scottish local authorities, Scottish Government, the Scottish Police Service and the many non-departmental public bodies that operate north of the border. These companies do not require a sales & marketing specialist five days a week so I plug that gap by working with such clients to develop and then deliver a sales plan based on an agreed timescale but operating just like any other full time sales person;


2) Supporting international IT & Software companies gain access to the vast UK market, which is the largest and most open technology market in Europe. During many engagements over the years, I have also supported European businesses learn how to engage with the UK business culture, which is aligned more to the United States than Europe but also a market open for business when it comes to public Cloud computing, including one of the most vibrant and open employment markets in Europe;


3) Supporting mainly small Businesses (not all technology business) wanting to build winning sales proposals, including fully supporting a sales & marketing operation from inception to success. For me, working in the public sector is second nature but for many small companies looking to grow their business with lucrative government contractors, it can be a minefield to navigate so I bring my knowledge and experience to the table, supporting my clients as they embark on what is a fantastic trading market if manged right, and:


4) Based on my many decades of public sector sales & marketing experience, coupled with more than a decade’s experience working inside local government as a councillor: I provide transformation consultancy services (mainly to local government) where I support projects that reduces complexity, improves efficiency and delivers these improvements using the latest technology but most impatiently, based on tired, tested and proven methodologies elsewhere.



Core to my success over the years has been an ethos of openness and honesty! I never do work for competing companies at the same time and prides myself in insuring that the highest level of sales professionalism is maintained during every assignment.

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Govbiz Limited: Registered in the United Kingdom (SC-363757) at:  Dunnock House, 63 Dunnock Road, Dunfermline, KY11 8QE
